The Parsha begins with the first word having a small letter “Aleph”. Moshe Rabbenu did this as a sign of humility. Hashem loved the gesture so much he sprinkled the extra ink on his forehead which made it shine. In life a lot& ...
moshe extra ink shone small aleph
This extra ink from the yud was what shone from Moshe`s head. This adds the extra twist that the humility was in not wanting to describe himself as humble, and so he gets accorded all this honor. Without resorting to midrash, perhaps we might say that the aleph was written small to reflect a disagreement, not between Moshe and Hashem, but between variant texts, as to whether the aleph should be present or not. Elsewhere in Torah there are letters with dots over& ...
The midrash states that the aleph in the first word (ויקרא) is small because Moses, in his humility, wished to suggest that God had merely encountered him (ויקר) but that, constrained by the necessity of writing the Torah letter for letter (which, incidentally, ... God lovingly placed the ink on Moses` forehead and, as a result, Moses shone with the light of Torah when walking down the mountain. :-) .... If it were a noun or adjective, there would need to be some extra letters.
... aleph of the Divine call smaller. Since it belonged to the realm of white fire, the summons required an extra measure of white space over black ink. .... With the Baal HaTurim`s explanation we understand that Moshe wrote the phrase because Hashem told him to do so, and we understand why he wrote it with a small `aleph.` But we still need to understand ..... Into the “vacuum” God shone the first ray of light and the world came into being. It can be understood that the& ...
The Parsha begins with the first word having a small letter “Aleph”. Moshe Rabbenu did this as a sign of humility. Hashem loved the gesture so much he sprinkled the extra ink on his forehead which made it shine. In life a lot& ...
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