This disbelief in the revolution, in the strength of the working class and people, and in the scientific validity and creative nature of Marxism affected also a section of Party intellectuals. Some Mensheviks and several Bolshevik& ...
materialism and empiriocriticism
Jual buku LENIN Materialism and Empirio-criticism Critical Comments on a Reactionary Philosophy THIRD REVISED EDITION 1964 081284341619 | Buku Pelajaran | Buku pelajaran SD, SMP, SMA dan Kuliah.
I`m currently reading Lenin`s Materialism and Empirio-criticism. I`m about a third of the way through the book. Lenin has devoted this portion of the book to demonstrating that the "empirio-critical" school of philosophy — which& ...
“La Luxemburg era convinta infatti che l`autodeterminazione potesse solo indebolire il movimento socialista internazionale, aiutando la borghesia a rafforzare il suo ruolo di classe dominante sulle nuove nazioni indipendenti.
This disbelief in the revolution, in the strength of the working class and people, and in the scientific validity and creative nature of Marxism affected also a section of Party intellectuals. Some Mensheviks and several Bolshevik& ...
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